
The way the live

The are solitary they animals and generally shun the company in groups, except females who travel with their young in groups of three or four. The males care for an area where it will house several females that will achieve the litter and so spend their offspring. Males and females only come together during the breeding season.Most young are born between February and May, and after a gestation of between 98 and 108 days, give birth to a litter of 1-6 cubs (usually 2-4) of 1.1 kg 
Life expectancy for male Bengal tigers is between 10 and 12 years, while in females is
a little longer.Bengal tigers are carnivores and hunt buffalo from peacocks, through a range of prey that includes monkeys, wild boars, tapirs, deer and antelope. Have been reported in rare cases that tigers have attacked a baby rhino and elephant, and even individuals who were able to knock down and devour other large carnivores such as leopards and bears. Far more rare are the attacks against humans, but until a century ago were occurring with some frequency. It is estimated that in Bangladesh alone there are about 100 attacks a year.

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